Posts Tagged "cloud-computing"
Loading Spatial Data into Azure SQL Part 3
Continuing on with my work in querying spatial data in Azure SQL, I got stuck on the creation of a spatial index, which has been pointed out as being essential to the performance of an application...
Loading Spatial Data Into SQL Azure Part 1
I'm currently working on a university project in which we have elected to use a client-server architecture with an Android app on the front end and a web API working as the backend server. This serv...
The Chromebook: a travelling tale
I don't think I've ever really written about ChromeOS properly before. I've come close to it and I've acknowledge the potential it could have in a future where native apps simply don't need to exist...
iTunes Match Saved My Music
As of late, I haven't been keeping up with Apple and their software services. After all, I have no devices that can actually run iOS 7, and I recently purchased a Nexus 7 and a Nexus 5. Furthe...
iTunes Match, A Year On
So it's been a year since iTunes Match was officially launched in the US, and Apple has had a year to tweak their newest addition to iTunes, dare I say the future of music. Simply put, I love iTunes...